We are happy to connect you with a synopsis and snapshot of the weeklong date with a timeline on the Provincial Chapter 2023. As Provincial Chapter is a collective spiritual exercise towards ‘discerning the Will of God’, your support and supplication in Spirit and in truth are inevitable for the success of the Provincial Chapter.

Trust us, we are doing our best to discern the Will of God. Nevertheless, your prayers could enable us to dialogue and deliberate in the realm of Spirit and empower us to redefine the destiny of JMJ. Therefore, let us all be united together in Spirit and in supplication to discern the signs of the times in truth.

Synopsis Of Week Long Chapter Proceedings

The long-awaited first intervening canonical Provincial Chapter 2023 for renewal and growth commenced with 4-day preparatory prayers. At the stroke of 6.30 pm on 2nd August 2023, Chapter Delegates gathered at the Provincialate. Each one of them was accorded a warm welcome with a sapling by the Provincial Council.

On the following day, as the Provincial Chapter-2023 is a significant event in the religious life of JMJ, the liturgy committee stimulated the delegates to enter into the realm of Chapter through a meaningful prayer service. The Chapter delegates were left to ponder over the progressive reports of the different sectors and engaged themselves in meaningful reflection. Prepared themselves for definite future mission updates that would be relevant for the current scenario of the Church.

Rev. Fr. Pavul Raj, SJ presented a two-day seminar on discernment on 4th& 5th August. He fortified the group with practical examples to help them understand the importance of discernment. Once again, on August 6, the chapter delegates spent time in prayer and recollection, invoking the Holy Spirit for guidance and wisdom for Chapter deliberations and decisions for the benefit of the Church and the Congregation.

In the same evening at 6.00 pm along with the facilitator, Rev. Fr. Francis P Xavier, SJ, Rev. Sr. ValsaKoreth, and Sr. Mary Karickakunnel, General Council, the observers and all the Delegates were assembled in the Chapel and sought the blessings and guidance of God for fruitful chapter eventualities. Sr. SanthaKumari& Co created an apt ambience for delegates to surrender themselves and seek the will of God through a meaningful prayer service.

Inaugural Mass

The day on 7th August was embraced grace and dawned at 6.45 am. The Holy Eucharist set the tone for the Provincial Chapter-2023 and energised our souls to be receptive to the silent whispers of God’s will and to the movement of the Holy Spirit. The ecclesial event paved the way for the new beginning of a renewed era.

The Provincial Chapter Delegates, sisters from nearby the communities, his grace Most Rev. Dr. Prakash Mallavarapu, Archbishop of Visakhapatnam, the main celebrant, Rev. Fr. Francis P Xavier, SJ the Chapter Facilitator were accorded a warm welcome.

His Grace Most Rev. Dr. Prakash Mallavarapu, in his homily, collating three readings stressed upon the renewal of hearts and minds. He underlined the prophetic and Gospel values visible throughout the salvation history and emphasized that every Provincial Chapter is a new Pentecost, the Spirit manifests itself anew to its members to be united, communitarian and prayerful for the mission with great fraternity and sisterhood beyond boundaries. With the same spirit, he invited all the members to enter into the chapter with Godly and transformed mind that would help, experience the presence of the Holy Spirit throughout the Chapter.

The First Session

The inauguration of the Provincial Chapter began at 9.25 am on 7th August with aprayer by the liturgy committee, Sr. Punitha Margaret and her team imploring God’s choicest blessings upon the members.

Sr. Tresa, the President of the Provincial Chapter-2023, welcomed the delegates of the chapter with her inspiring words and set the overture for the Provincial Chapter-2023. In her inaugural address, she categorically and candidly confessed that the elected representatives were the heart, mind, and soul of JMJ, and there rested a greater onus and commitment to be a true breed of JMJ sister to change the course of history. She recounted the ‘Emmaus Experience’ of having a free walk with Jesus to build a fraternal and sororal world of synodal solidarity. And then she solemnly declared open the Provincial Chapter 2023.

Rev. Sr. ValsaKoreth and Rev. Sr. Mary Karickakunnel unveiled the chapter theme and the Logo displayed in the conference hall: “SYNODAL SOLIDARITY TOWARDS UNIVERSAL FRATERNITY,” Provincial Chapter 2023.

Rev. Fr. Francis Xavier SJ, Chapter Facilitator in his opening address, ignited the members to be alive, alert, and aligned in a new direction for the greater glory of God in the service of His people.

Sr. Kochumary the Provincial Councillor read out the wishes and prayers from Rev. Sr. InnammaYeruva the Superior General and different Provinces and Region for the success of the Provincial Chapter. The greetings from various communities were displayed in front of the conference hall. The members are grateful to the whole Congregation for the heart-warming and prayerful wishes.

Fr. Francis P. Xavier SJ, in his key note address, emphasized and motivated the delegates to focus on “Care of the Person, Care of the Communities, and Care of the Apostolates. “He added that” each one should be alive to oneself, to be alert to the needs of the people, and to align our works with the work of God.”

Sr. Tresa the Provincial Superior, presented the ‘Report of the Province 2017–2022,’ with overwhelming gratitude to the divine for His accompaniment.

All delegates were divided into 4-plenary working committees for free and easy discussion and deliberation. Under the eagle eyes of Sr. ValsaKoreth and Sr. Mary Karickakunnel Provincial Chapter -23 set sail to its destination.

Province Finance Report

Sr. Rosy Antony Puthussery, the Province Procurator, and Sr. Sundari Rani Pudota presented the Finance Report of the Province from 2017 to 2023 with clarity and accuracy.

Rev. Fr. Francis P. Xavier SJ, the chapter guide, cautioned about FCRA, GST, investments in post offices, mutual funds, and maintaining the legal documents as we are under the scanner of the government. Besides, he underscored the importance of raising local funds for sustainability.

On 8th, Provincial Chapter-23 deliberated key focus areas like;

  • Spirituality, community life, and leadership
  • Education
  • Evangelization

Fr. Francis P. Xavier, in his thought-provoking input session, recommended the Ignatian principle of "Tantum Quantum which means in so far as to iron out community bottlenecks.”

“We are to use them in so far as [tantum quantum] they lead us to our last end, and be rid of them in so far as they hinder us in the pursuit of the end for which we were created.”

Sr. Tresa, in her input session before the plenary discussion, emphasized being rather than doing, and if education is not helping us to think critically and to understand one another, there is no meaning for our existence as religious.

On August 9, the floor focused on

  • Formation and Vocation
  • Health care
  • Social Apostolate

Fr. Francis P. Xavier echoed the four essential aspects of team-building principles by Bruce Tuckman: forming, storming, norming, and performing. Nevertheless, he added, ultimately, our attitude matters, and our inner disposition is revealed in external cooperation. We are called to do the Lord’s work to the best of our ability and mindfulness.

Provincial Chapter-23, an extensive and collective holy exercise, is extended by a day to discuss the postulates for the common good of the sisters of JMJ. If we have arrived at making certain decisive decisions with the help of the Spirit, well, it is because of your prayers. Keep praying for us.

The Second Session

We pray that all may go well with you as it goes well with your soul. We rejoiced when we were engulfed by your prayers and wrapped in the banquet of love during the chapter deliberation. While thanking you for everything, we are happy to share the gist of Provincial Chapter-2023.

The Provincial Chapter-2023 Session - II commenced on 5thSeptember with a Holy Eucharist by Rev. Fr. Francis P. Xavier SJ, the chapter guide, at 7 am. After a well-spent long break, delegates discussed and deliberated on the previous plenary session and were all set to present their sectors’ action plans to the floor for approval.

With a prayer, the plenary session commenced at 8.45 a.m.

Sr. Tresa, the President, accorded a warm welcome to all the delegates. She reiterated that phase II of the chapter should be more productive and purposeful to help ourselves be better by having a concrete, focused, and goal-oriented mind set in planning the action plans while cooperating with the Holy Spirit, who inspires us all.

On day one, the floor re-focused on strategic areas such as

  • Vocation promotion and formation
  • Spirituality
  • Community and leadership
  • Health Care Apostolate
  • Educational Apostolate

Day 2:The focus of day II was on

  • Social work
  • Evangelization
  • Finance
  • Province Governance

Fr. Francis P. Xavier SJ, the chapter guide, in his inspirational address added deep meaning to the mission and ministries. He touched upon various valuable areas of the above missions and stirred the floor for self and group introspection.

Sr. Tresa, the President, in the same lines of the chapter guide, urged the floor for collective analysis of whether our ministries are means for our survival or prosperity of people’. She posed a question or two like," Are we stuck? Or are we moving forward to find new paths? The floor responded, "Our ministries are evolving gradually, so we cannot be stuck with what we are doing but to find something new according to the signs of the times."

Day 3:

Was spent reworking the action plans of the different sectors. Delegates spent much time in group discussions and presented the revised and revitalised action plans for approval.

Day 4:

Was spent on rectification and redrafting action plans for approval and ratification. Each group spent quality time, incorporated the valuable inputs given by the chapter guide, observers, and provincial, and re-worked and evolved the best action plans for the endorsement of the floor.

Hard copies of the “Review of our Constitutions”“Congregational Finance Policies”and “Common Policies for sisters in Overseas Mission”were handedover to the floor for careful examination and review for the next day’s deliberations.

Fr. Francis P. Xavier, SJ handed out his thoughts under the title ‘Leaving and Living’ for the personal reflections. He wanted every sister to be a talisman for God which means, how can we become the face and grace of God?

Day 5: The floor mulled over the following key areas for approval:

  • Finance
  • Province Governance
  • Community and leadership
  • Quasquicentennial: 125 years of jubilee
  • General Chapter Postulates

Day 6:Election of General chapter members

After spending considerable time in prayer, the floor elected the delegates for the general Chapter and unanimously consented. Followed by the formulation of norms to be approved by the General Chapter.

Day 7:

Revised the norms and engaged in winding up the procedures of the chapter and concluded the session II with a meaningful Holy Eucharistic celebration.

After each group presented their action plans, Sr. Mary Karickakunnel and Sr. Valsa Koreth contributed their inputs and enlightened the floor to go deep into action plans and urged the group to implement the action plans together as a community.

They also emphasised that we should focus on the international character of our congregation and equip sisters accordingly to tap the resources available around the world for the development of JMJ.

Dear sisters, we thank you for uplifting us in your prayers and substantiating your support with your spiritual presence. If not for your supplication, we would not have arrived at where we stand now. May God bless you all.



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